My Story

I am a native of Roane County and have lived on Watts Bar Lake most of my adult life. I have raised my kids here and I don’t think there is any place more beautiful in the world.

I am married to the premier dock builder on Watts Bar Lake. Together we run Schuiten Builders, a full service lakefront construction company. You can visit the site at

I co-own and help manage Schuiten Builders. This gives me unique insight to the cost, permitting, and time involved in developing a lakefront property. I can help answer questions about your potential Watts Bar Lake property purchase such as, can I have a dock on my property? What size dock can I build? Will I have year round water? Can I dredge this lakefront property to create year round water?

I can help you with dealing with TVA, TDEC, and the Army Corp of Engineers. We do it every day.

Next Steps…

Contact me today and lets get started on your dream lake home on beautiful Watts Bar Lake!