Watts Bar Lake covers 39000 acres and is 72 miles long. It has 780 miles of shoreline and is situated in Roane, Meigs, Rhea and Loudon counties.
Can I get a dock permit at a potential Watts Bar Lake Front Property?
No one can tell you 100% for sure until you go through the permit process with TVA. I have a good understanding of the guidelines, but there are many factors that TVA, TDEC, and the Army Corp of Engineers take into consideration. Bottom line is, nothing is for sure until you get your permit back and unfortunately you have to own the property first to submit an application.
What size dock can I build at my Watts Bar Lake Front Property?
It depends on when your property was last subdivided. I can help you determine what size dock you can build.
When does the water go down to winter pool on Watts Bar Lake?
TVA will start to drop the water level on Watts Bar Lake in November and the goal is to have it at winter pool level by the first of December. They will start to raise it back up at the first of April with the goal of having it back a summer pool by May 1st.
How far does the water drop for winter pool on Watts Bar lake?
TVA will lower Watts Bar Lake approximately 5 feet for winter pool. Normal summer pool is approximately 741 feet above sea level.